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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Big Treason IIII:stories

5 years later the 2 planet Neptune and Uranus made a contract that they will fight always against the other planets and they will not attack their selves and they called themselves 'Neptunaranses'.2 months later they prepared an attack on the Mars and Earth this war ended in 10 days and the aliens of mars occupied a little peace from Neptune 1 year later the 'Neptunanerses' tried ta take the piece of Neptune with 100 attack in the year but they didn't do anything to the aliens of Mars and the humans of Earth were helping the aliens to defend the little piece of Neptune that they occupied it 1 age later there was a company who started by humans named Peace this company was trying to make piece in the Earth and when they did what they were hoping for and they moved to the planets to make peace in it and they sent some people who work in the company in Neptune and they tried to make peace with Neptune and they agreed but the told them you must give us our little piece in our planet and 50 ton of petrol every year the humans agreed.10 years later when the petrol is finished from the Earthand the attacked the Earth and they occupied Asia.2 days later the aliens of Mars sent 80% of their army to protect the Earth and then they protected the Earth and then they sent 50% of aliens army and 50% of the humans army to occupy Neptune they occupied the biggest continent in Neptune in 1 year they occupied all the Neptune cause the neptunium ran away and they moved to Uranus.2 years later the aliens of mars prepared an attack with the humans and then they made a plan this plan is that they will pretend that they will attack from Mars and then Earth and finally they will attack them from Neptune and when they go to defend from the way of Neptune they will attack from Mars and they will send humans to protect the Neptune and Mars 1 month later they did the plan and it really worked and they made peace in the 4 planets.

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