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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Big Treason II

In the year 2027 the aliens of Mars named the planet of Earth New Mars and they thought that the Ninga is dead but he  was alive hiding under the ground with some large mysetrious animals .5 years later the aliens of Mars found the space ship of Earth and they attacked it with 70% from their army but they discovered that it's only some statues in the sapce ship but the real humans were preparing to attack and get back their planet but there was only one problem,that the aliens were surrounding the planet Earth with 100,000,000 bombs but the humans found a way to enter before the army of Mars returns from the outer space and they attacked them and they were going to defeat  the aliens of Mars but the army came from the outer space and the humans were so afraid from them and they thought that there is no chance for the humans to live and   they have not any chance to win and get back their planet and they were  going to be defeated but here comes the Ninga with his mysetrious animals and they occupide the North pole from the aliens of Mars,10 months later the humans of Earth attacked the aliens of Mars in australia  but the aliens deffended very good,then the aliens of Mars made a peace treaty with the humans.4 years later the aliens of Mars attacked the humans in North America but the European people helped them to deffend their continent and their world,5 days later the humans of Earth attacked them in 3 continents in the same time Australia,AfricaSouth America  they only occupide Africa but in the same time the aliens of Mars attacked the humans with antarctica in Asia and  they occupide the Northern part of Asia 1year later the Ninga invented something called the freezer sword and a pralyzing water.2 months later the humans got back all their planet ecxept Antarctica,the Ninga is trying to invent a heater gun to get back all the Earth and ocupy the Mars.

Wait for next edition!coming in 3 hours

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